Green Value Partner - In-house Technical Expertise

The construction industry is one of the biggest consumers of non-renewable resources. Even after completion, most buildings continue to be responsible for huge CO2 emissions. Buildings in India already accounts for more than 30% of India’s electricity use, and two-thirds of the buildings that will exist in India by 2030 are yet to be built.
Although there has been substantial progress in the field of green buildings, there is still a lot to be done. The gap will exist until the user, the last link in the chain, does not demand “green”. We at IIFL Home Loans have identified a gap in the market between the new ways available to conserve energy during the life cycle of a building and the lack of knowledge about the Green Buildings concept with potential developers across the country. To address such issues, IIFL Home Loans has introduced Green Value Partner (GVP) that aims at reducing the negative impact on the environment by supporting the development of green affordable housing in India. The centre-piece of IIFL Home Loan’s strategy is scaling affordable and sustainable development for maximum impact.
Through GVP, we empower our community to innovate on the local level and then identify those solutions that can be replicated and scaled up across the country.
IIFL Home Loans GVP Program
Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
It is an opportunity for every member of our community to reflect on what role they can play in enhancing our collective well-being for a more sustainable future. Our GVP approach is underpinned by our sustainable aspirations, which helps us set tangible targets for delivering sustainable business outcomes aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Supporting sustainable and responsible growth, including delivering the SDGs, represents a significant opportunity for us.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 10
Reduced inequalities

SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 13
Climate action