Fostering Human Capital

Employment GRI 401-1, GRI 401-2

Employees are an organization’s backbone, and their wellbeing ensures better productivity and effectiveness. Because the housing finance industry is dynamic, it is critical to continuously upskill the personnel. As a result of these causes, human capital management has become an important topic. We are committed to create a welcoming and secure environment for our employees. We are an equal opportunity employer where persons with right fitment, irrespective of background, disabilities, region, caste, etc are welcomed and provided conducive work environment to thrive and grow. We are committed to increasing worker diversity and cultivating an inclusive workplace.

Monetary Support to our Employees

COVID-19 Treatment Support

Due to pandemic, our employees and their close family members were falling short of their group medical insured amount. To cater to this, we had COVID-19 Treatment covered under our group medical insurance. We also supported our employees during their medical critical situation financially through our corporate buffers. Here’s the snapshot of the Benefits provided to full-time employees:

3 employees

Monetary Benefits Provided

2 employees

Benefited From Voluntary Leave Donation

6 employees

Corporate Buffer Given

Voluntary Leave Donation Policy

Program allows employees who are self-willing, to donate their accumulated paid leaves to support IIFL colleagues requiring monetary help. Amount accumulated is utilized to support employee’s hospitalization expenses extending beyond IIFL Group mediclaim coverage.

Performance Management and Rewards

IIFL HFC evaluates the performance of its employees using the Performance Assessment and Review System (PARS) framework. The system is a transparent and quantifiable tool that evaluates employees on their previous financial year’s performance and operates on a four-point scale: Flier, Runner, Learner, and Walker.

  • Annual and half yearly Performance Appraisals
  • Quarterly Town hall by the CEO and the Chairman
  • Tailor-made reward (cash and in kind) and incentive programs are being run for different departments and for different levels of employees
Transparent Communication and Grievance Redressal

At IIFL Home Finance, the primary objective of the employee grievance redressal policy is to provide a mechanism for individual employee to raise a grievance arising from their employment. Grievance may be about an act, omission, situation, or decision that the employee thinks to be unfair, discriminatory or unjustified. The company has various platforms and digital interventions for transparent communication.


AI chatbot, that acts as a feedback and suggestions mechanism for our people, establishing a direct connection between the management and the employee for instant resolutions, providing 100% coverage.

Great Place to Work Certified – 4th time in a row!
Power 60

We organised the Power 60 Leadership Talk series wherein we invite leaders, entrepreneurs, servicemen, professionals, artists, etc who have faced challenges and have conquered their respective fields despite facing hardships and accomplish their dreams and desires while creating a positive impact. The Power 60 team consists of the senior leadership of IIFL Home Finance such as the Departmental heads, Zonal heads etc.

Performance Coaching

We had one-on-one coaching conducted by an industry renowned coach for 20 of our Leaders across departments. This was a six-month long journey in which our leaders collaborated with our external coach “Feroza Engineer” and had 3 group workshops of 180 minutes each and 6 individual one-on-one coaching sessions with the Coach for 60 minutes each.

  • The entire intervention focused on helping the leadership team build their 2021 professional goals, develop learning agility and drive performance based results in their teams
  • Some of the broad workshop and coaching outcomes identified for this intervention are- Understanding learning agility blocks, creating realistic goals, influencing and establishing product credibility and building trust through conversations
Learning and Development (L&D)

During the reporting period, we also conducted trainings on code of conduct, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, Information and cyber security, data privacy and POSH annually via digital platforms. We want to ensure that all our employees are up to date on the company policy and compliance procedures. We also conducted Functional Upskilling Program - Digitally through renowned leaders and Workshops from Premium Institutes. While the Company engages with the employees and invests in their learning, growth, and development, it also provides extensive induction and classroom training to the new recruits and managers and provide function-specific training to our people through multimedia as Virtual Instructor-Led Trainings (VILTs).

Training Hours (By Gender)

6.35 hrs

Average Hours of training per male employee

4.62 hrs

Average Hours of training per female employee

Diversity and Inclusion GRI 405-1, 405-2

High levels of diversity and inclusion in the workplace are associated with greater productivity, innovation and workforce well-being. We understand that a diversity is important for our organisation. We also have in place, a diversity policy which makes sure the organisation captures the individual’s uniqueness and creating an atmosphere that recognises and respects people for their talents, skills, and abilities in order to improve the workplace’s collective culture.

Percentage and number of employees by diversity categories:

i. Gender: Male Female Total
PercentageNumber 92.81%
ii. Age group: under 30
years old
years old
over 50
years old
Percentage Number 36.70%
Gender Neutral POSH

We have our POSH policy in place along with a POSH committee which takes any issue extremely seriously and ensures early resolution. Besides this, we have a grievance redressal committee and Amber, a chatbot through which employees can anonymously share their issues, feedbacks and suggestions. We have not received any complaints related POSH in the current financial year.

We have not received any complaints related POSH in the current financial year.
Parental Leaves

We provide parental leaves to both our male and female employees. We have retention rate of 100% for the employees that took parental leave.


We initiated ‘Gupshup’ series under Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to ensure that the door of communication is open between all teams, as the pandemic led to shift of working from home, leading to a disconnect between employees & teams. The 1st Gupshup was conducted for all the Head of Departments to break the ice between them, followed by two similar department level events.

Health and Safety

Health and safety are the important facets for an organisation. Our health and safety policy is crucial to our organisational strategy and helps us to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, customers, other stakeholders and visitors. The Company continuously focuses on improving occupation health and safety practices, raising awareness at workplace and guiding the employees to commit to health and safety standards.

Response to COVID-19

Business Continuity Management

During the pandemic, we invoked Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to ensure smooth workflow and employee safety. The procedures and personnel were shifted to a work-from-home environment. We quickly adapted to the new standards, from virtual meetings and virtual celebrations to acquiring new soft skills and adopting new lifestyles.

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

We also launched EAP services to ensure mental support to our employees. IIFL Home Finance established COVID-19 response teams at the national and regional levels. These groups were responsible for overseeing staff safety protocols at the offices and ensuring that local Government instructions were followed.

Special Leaves for COVID-19 Infected Employees

We also launched EAP services to ensure mental support to our employees. IIFL Home Finance established COVID-19 response teams at the national and regional levels. These groups were responsible for overseeing staff safety protocols at the offices and ensuring that local Government instructions were followed.

Workshop to Prevent Workplace Bullying

On the occasion of Women’s Day celebrations, we organized workshops for women to help them tackle workplace bullying and post pandemic emotional quotient (EQ) and adversity quotient (AQ) to sensitize the women employees on how to manage their professional and personal lives during the pandemic.

Office Sanitization

We take special care for health and safety of our employees. Weekly sanitization was done at the IIFL Home Finance Head Office during the peak phase of COVID-19. We also sanitized our offices if any covid infected person was found within office premises.

Employee Vaccination

Apart from this, we were among the first HFC to conduct COVID-19 vaccinations drives in all major locations pan India where 1st and 2nd vaccination doses were administered to the employees. We also conducted multiple doctor consultations to the office for employees to get their health check-ups done free of cost and also tied up with Fortis and Max hospitals to ensure that all employees have access to medical care at a discounted price especially during the COVID-19 waves.

Tie up with Treebo

We partnered with Treebo Hotels in Gurgaon to ensure safety and wellbeing of our employees battling COVID-19. To ensure our employees recover well, without worrying about the spread, we arranged an exclusive and dedicated COVID-19 rest area for them, in support of Treebo.

Your Dost

IIFL has partnered with the health app Your Dost to offer anonymous counselling to all employees. Our employees can log into the application and speak to a therapist they are most comfortable to help them deal with the stresses of their personal and professional lives, free of cost. Your Dost is India’s first and the largest online mental health and emotional wellness coach. This initiative, provides employees with expert advice from 1000+ Experts, with complete privacy, confidentiality and anonymity on a range of subjects including

Time Management
Confidence Building
Career Coaching
Sexual Wellness and much more

IIFL Home Finance teamed up with Cultfit, a health and wellness app to inculcate a culture of fitness and wellbeing in the company. The employees are given fitness challenges every month to motivate them in their fitness journey, along with regular fitness workouts and nutritional sessions organized to highlight the importance of eating healthy food to help the employees achieve their fitness goals. The employees have also been provided with a community trainer, who conducts sessions, answers queries and rolls out daily targets to the employees to keep the motivation levels high towards fitness. We conduct monthly fitness challenges focusing on various forms of fitness such as dancing, strength and conditioning, yoga, HIIT etc. The employees are encouraged to participate in these challenges and the top 3 winners are rewarded for their dedication and motivation towards fitness.

Employee Road Safety

We organized trainings for our Direct Sales Team (DSTs), our customer facing sales executives, on the importance of road safety and wellbeing to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge on safety when traveling to work. The programme focused on improving and increasing the awareness and knowledge about specific road safety problems in the target project area through awareness programme and specific interventions. The deliverables and outcomes of the project are tangible and measurable.

The course was conducted online on virtual meeting platform for groups of around 50 participants per batch/session. The idea was to make the target audience aware with the following:

Coping with diverse road user behaviour
Road rules & regulations
Coping with hazardous driving conditions
Safe road user habits and skills
Indian road scenario and law
Traffic control devices
Rules of the road & defensive driving/riding
Responsible rider/driver
Different types of road users


Employees Trained

Other Health Initiatives

Hygiene and Grooming Kits

The male feet on street employees in sales and collections were also provided with Gillette grooming kits to highlight the importance of personal grooming and all women employees were provided with Pee Safe kits to highlight the importance of female hygiene. Sanitary pads dispensing machines have also been installed in the office premises to ensure that the women employees have access to sanitary pads as and when they require the same

Breast Cancer Week

We also had a workshop planned in November 2021 for our female employees for Breast Cancer Awareness with help of Fortis Hospital. Where the Doctor talked about this sensitive topic and appraise our female employees with the basic technique of self-check to ascertain any irregularity. He had also covered the basic things female should know about their own body and how early detection is a key to fight this disease. There was a Q&A session scheduled post the workshop for our female employees to openly discuss and ask the apprehension and misconceptions which they had related to the said subject.

Fire Drills

Hygiene and Grooming Kits

We also conducted Fire Drill and monthly check-ups of Fire Equipment are being carried out by the vendor. Fire Drill is conducted twice in a year covering topics such as Evacuation Guideline, use of emergency exit and use Fire Cylinder during emergency.

Project Sarathi

The objective of ‘Sarathi’ activity was to sensitize the employees around the impact of single-use plastic on the environment. Dedicated Bins to collect the plastic waste were installed at the select 20 branches. We empanelled with Green Dream Foundation and were able to contribute in employment generation for the wage pickers who were engaged in picking and segregation of the waste collected from our branch-offices.


We also had virtual awareness workshops for all our employees with help of the foundation. We had name this initiative as YEH DIWALI KUCH NAYA KARNE WALI. We also had inter-branch competition to ensure maximum participation and the branch contributed the most was awarded with a title and trophy of GREEN NINJA BRANCH.

World NoTobacco Day

We acknowledge the harm tobacco may bring on to anyone and supported the World No Tobacco Day making aware our employees and customers of the fact that temporary relief can lead to permanent damage. Tobacco claims about 7 million lives every year and one must no blow their life up in smoke, save it, treasure it. We urged everyone to quit smoking today. #WorldNoTobaccoDay.