Cover Theme

IIFL Home Finance believes in the advanced transformations to simplify the processes. Our simple, agile and advanced thinking towards a better future can be depicted through imaginative illustrations.

Cover artwork by: Mamta Singh

About this Report

As one of our principal communication documents, this Report is addressed to all our stakeholders. It captures information about our business verticals and processes while also providing insight into our business’s economic, social, and environmental areas. It is aligned with our business strategy and highlights the material issues that may impact our ability to create sustainable value.

Our Approach to Reporting

IIFL Home Finance Limited (‘the Company’) has developed this Report in accordance with the principles of Integrated Reporting (IR) established by the International Integrated Reporting Council (‘IIRC’) as a means of increasing disclosure to all our stakeholders. This Report also provides detailed insights into our operating environment, strategies, material issues, risks and opportunities, engagement with stakeholders, and approach to long-term sustainability, in addition to our integrated value creation, both financially and non-financially, across six capitals.

Reporting Period, Scope and Boundary

The reporting period for this Integrated Report is from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. It includes an overview of our operations, business segments and key focus strategies. .

Reporting Standards and Frameworks

We followed the principles of Integrated Reporting as put forth by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in creating this Report, which attempts to fulfil the needs of our various stakeholders. The Company fully complies with the NSE and BSE listings and SEBI guidelines. The statutory reports, including the Directors’ Report, Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section, the Corporate Governance Report and the Business Responsibility Report, are in line with the Companies Act, 2013, Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, and the prescribed Secretarial Standards. The non-financial information presented in this Report is based on the sustainability reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards).

Our Approach to Materiality

This Report gives an overview of our business and related operations that help us create sustainable value. The Report also discusses certain concerns that might have a significant impact on our organization’s ability to create value, as well as the efforts taken to address them.

Management Assurance

Our Company’s senior management, under supervision of the Managing Director & CEO, has reviewed the Report content. The Board members of the Company have provided the required governance oversight.