Nurturing Technology Architecture.

Building Scalable and Digital Processes across Business Facets.

Amid a radical technology landscape with changing customer preferences, we have built an integrated tech-empowered organisation, underpinned by advanced platforms.

Our digital strategy is aligned with the organisation’s cultureof customer-centricity and ‘Complete Profitability’ with an equal focus on People, Organisation, Society and Environment. With strong digital capabilities and efficient processes across business functions, we ensure superior customer experience, enhanced transparency and sustained growth.

Our Technology Initiatives to Enhance Customer Experience

  • Jhatpat, a real-time customer on-boarding and credit sanctioning application has transformed the landscape of for home loans. The application processes 100% of home loans with faster loan sanction decisioning within 45 minutes. It has been now extended to Direct Selling Agents and builders as well.
  • Our approved projects system, integrated with the loan origination system, enables same day loan sanction for the approved projects.
  • Our partnership with various Fintech vendors allow instant KYC validation, banking statement analysis, ITR and organisation details validations. We have also added E-signing and E-NACH capabilities.

Robust Collection Strategy

  • Robust collection process with structured guidelines and digital tools
  • Dedicated CRM platform for tele-calling supported by digital payment channels
  • Mobile app for field collection team with integrated receipt functionality
  • Partnership with cash drop solutions for enhanced collection reach
  • Dedicated application used for collection legal team to track cases and issue notice

Sound Credit Underwriting Mechanism

We have in place a complete paperless credit underwriting mechanism that includes analysis of KYCs, income documents, credit history, business set-up and profile of the customer. The decision making process is fully automated with the help of business rule engine. In addition, latest digital platforms ensure adequate quality checks.