Environmental, Social and Governance Initiatives

A responsible business strategy is integral to sustainable growth and that of the customers, stakeholders and communities we serve.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is embedded in our ecosystem and shapes the way we conduct business, develop products and services and deliver on our goals. We follow the best business practices in the communities in which we operate and efficiently manage our business to be accountable to stakeholders.

Integrating UN Global Sustainable Development Goals in Our Strategy

As we aim for ‘Complete Profitability’ and continue our journey of growth, we intend to integrate our vision with various ESG initiatives and four specific SDGsthat enable us to work towards the collective growth of all stakeholders.

  • 92,280+ loans to first-time home buyers
  • 78,860+ affordable housing units funded across India through home loans
  • Greater access to finance inTier 2 & suburban marketsusing fintech solutions
  • End-to-end support and no cost consultation on green building methodologies via our Green Value Partner Model
  • 25,800+ loans to informal income segment
  • 59,200+ loans disbursed to women owners/co-owners
  • Learning centre cum crèche facilities for 100+ families of construction workers
  • AI chatbot for transparency & engagement between employees and senior management
  • Introduction of paternity leaves
  • Facilitated 38,300+ families with over ₹ 9+ billion of Credit Linked Subsidy
  • 7,500+ approved affordable housing projects
  • 3,500+ home loans disbursed in backward markets/locations
  • Collaborating with various State Governments to advocate housing financing for economically weaker section
  • Construction of 2,000+ green dwelling units
  • 1,165 tonnes/year of reduction in CO2 emission
  • 59,130 kilolitres/year water savings
  • 75-80% diversion of waste to landfill
  • 600+ participants, 430+ developers and 36+ experts engaged through Kutumb

ESG Framework

During the year, the Company formed a unified enterprise ESG framework, for which an in-house ESG team was set up to methodically execute, track and report its ESG performance. To ensure a full-fledged dissemination of the ESG policies and practices, the Company also conducted training sessions at eight locations in India for all its departments.

Environmental Initiatives

We are conscious of our responsibility towards the environment and are judicious in natural resource utilisation. Our Company has launched various initiatives to reduce environmental impact caused by construction activities. These include:

Kutumb: Promoting Green Affordable Housing

An initiative towards green affordable housing that collaborates with all stakeholders of green and affordable housing in India and encourages them to move from conventional to sustainable methods of housing development.

Through our various Kutumb events organised during the year, we brought together leading industry professionals in real estate, green and sustainable infrastructure sector.

600+ participants,

430+ developers and

36+ experts engaged through Kutumb

Green Value Partner: Our Inhouse Technical Expertise

The concept of Green buildings or Green Certification has continuously influenced the building construction sector in the country owing to sustainable benefits. However, multiple approvals required to obtain a Green Certification, created a knowledge and awareness gap for developers.

IIFL Home Finance established a mechanism in the form of Green Value Partner (GVP)to provide assistance (handholding) to the developers by partnering with them throughout the project life cycle and ensure successful achievement of Green Building Certification. We have an expert inhouse technical team for accomplishment of the GVP objectives across the country.

Green Certification Stages

  • Initial assessment report
  • Project Registration
  • Engagement of Green Consultant
  • Pre-Certification
  • Project Monitoring
  • Final Certification


Conception to Certification

Angikaar: A Campaign for Behavioural Change Management

Angikaar is an awareness campaign for social behaviour change focusing on issues such as water & energy conservation, waste management, health, sanitation and hygiene for beneficiaries of completed houses under PMAY (U) through community mobilisation. IIFL Home Loans, in its endeavour to spread awareness about the Angikaar Campaign and support Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), conducted various activities across the country throughout the year.

Lives Touched
Locations Covered on-ground

Angikaar Components

  • Environment Protection
  • Segregation of Waste
  • Water Conservation
  • Healthy Living
  • Go Green, Plant Trees
  • Cohesive Living
  • Smoke-Free Kitchen
  • Energy Conservation

Social Impact

By combining our resources and expertise with scale of operations, the Company creates responsible and inclusive economic growth. We design our products to fulfill customers’ financial needs along with promoting environmental and social compliance. We promote women empowerment through our efforts to facilitate Credit Linked Subsidy benefits under the PMAY (U) where it is mandatory to have at least one woman member registered as the owner/co-owner of the new home. Our product such as ‘Swaraj’ loans cater to the needs of first-time home buyers from varied socio-economic backgrounds. While ‘Samman’ loans fulfill the credit needs of small traders and help drive financial inclusion across the country.

As a responsible corporate, we constantly empower women and foster employee welfare through initiatives like paternity leave policy and crèche services. During the year, we also introduced ESG employee engagement exercises to stimulate a workforce with environmentally and socially driven mind-sets.

The Company also undertook several initiatives for community welfare including focused programmes for enhancing girl child education, financial literacy among construction workers and their families, and tribal development, among others, through the CSR arm of the IIFL Group.

Robust Governance Framework

We have a sound and robust governance structures, with clear roles and responsibilities. Our ethical business operations are supported by detailed policies and procedures on anti-corruption, anti-bribery, stringent data protection and customer privacy norms among other policies. We conduct regular training with our employees on the aforesaid governance policies. Our emphasis remains on developing sturdy systems and processes that enable a thorough risk assessment based on environmental, social and governance parameters, beyond the compliance requirements, and at the same time adopting the best business practices.